Are you suffering from an ear infection? Do you want to know how to treat an ear infection with home remedies? There are some home remedies that can treat ear infection, such as: olive oil, garlic and onion.

There are different types of ear infections, the most common is called otitis media. Otitis media is an inflammation and infection of the middle ear, which is located just behind the eardrum. Ear infection is common among children, and it is usually painful. The symptoms of ear infection include earache, mild deafness, discharge, fever, headache or itchiness or blisters in the ear.

When you or your child are suffering from ear infection, you should visit a doctor to treat it.

But when a doctor is not available, when there is no drugstore around the corner, you may want to try home remedies to relieve the symptoms.

Here are three home remedies that can be used to relieve ear infection:

1. Olive Oil: Put 2 drops of olive oil into the infected ear.

2. Garlic: Cut a garlic clove into small pieces, wrap it in tissue, and place it into the infected ear as an ear plug.

3. Onion: Cut a slice of onion into small pieces, wrap it in tissue, heat it to warm in microwave, and place it into the infected ear as an ear plug.

Please consult with a health care provider or professional before applying any remedies.

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