Arteriosclerosis is commonly called hardening of the arteries. It is a disease characterized by thickened and hardened artery walls. Arteriosclerosis is caused due to excess intake of fats. When taking too much fats, fatty substance, cholesterols, cellular waste product, calcium and many other material building up in an artery. The sticky substance building up in the blood vessels can significantly reduce the blood flow in an artery, therefore can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
How to treat arteriosclerosis? You can use the following home remedies to treat it and keep it under control:
1. Garlic. Garlic is a wonderful remedy to treat and prevent arteriosclerosis. You can consume garlic supplement, or eat fresh garlic. Take a few cloves of garlic daily, it clears arteries, the circulatory system, helps bringing down the cholesterol level in blood, and collects and cast out toxic waste present in the bloodstream.
2. Lemon or Orange. You can drink lemon or orange juice to help treat arteriosclerosis. Using lemon peels or orange peels is even more effective than drinking the juice. Here is how to use lemon peels or orange peels:
* Make a lemon or orange peel tea. Us a few pieces of lemon peels or orange peels, boil them in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes. Drink 1 cup per time and 2 cups per day.
* Eat lemon or orange peels in a salad. Cut lemon peels or orange peels into thin strips, mix them with a salad.
3. Green Tea. Drink green tea, instead of soda. Green tea has protective effects against arteriosclerosis. Green Tea prevents the oxidation of cholesterol. Drink green tea 2-3 times per day.