There are two types of almonds: bitter almond and sweet almond. Sweet almonds are commonly used as food, while bitter almonds are used as medicine.

Please note: Bitter almond contains amygdalin, a substance that is converted to hydrocyanic acid, or cyanide, and is toxic to humans. Sweet almond does not contain amygdalin. So you should not eat bitter almonds as food. It should only be used as medicine.

But the two types of almonds have similar medical properties, at least in treating cough and constipation. Of course, bitter almond is more effective than sweet almond in the treatment of cough and constipation, if bitter almond is not available, then you may use sweet almond.

Home Remedies – How to use almond to treat cough or constipation

1. Sweet almond and Orange juice. Eat a handful of sweet almonds, with a cup of orange juice, twice a day. It will help to relieve wet cough and constipation.

2. Bitter almond and Orange peel. Bitter almond 20g, dried orange peel 20g (or fresh peel 60g), 2 cups of water. Boil them for 15 minutes. Drink a cup, two times a day. It will be a very effective remedy to relieve wet cough and constipation.

3. Sweet almond and Honey. Eat a handful of almonds, with a teaspoon of honey, twice a day. It will help to relieve dry cough and constipation.

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