Mustard plaster (mustard poultice) is a very effective home therapy for treating common cold with runny nose, wet cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, pleurisy and chest congestion.

Mustard plasters stimulate the immune system, relieve pain and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. A mustard plaster brings warmth and circulation to the chest. This helps to battle persistent coughs or bronchitis, offer immediate relief to discomfort in the chest and treat infectious conditions in the respiratory system.

How to make a mustard plaster

1. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of dry mustard seed powder and 1 tablespoon of flour with warm water, stir well and make it into a paste.

2. Prepare two thick cotton towels (cotton cloth, used T-shirt), put a paper towel on one thick cotton towel, and spread the mixture on it, cover it with another cotton towel as making a sandwich.

3. Let the person receiving the treatment sit or lie down. Apply the sandwich of mustard plaster to the chest, leave on for 15 to 30 minutes till the skin becomes red and warm. Then remove it.

Precautions of using a mustard plaster

  • If the person experiences any discomfort, the plaster should be removed.
  • The mustard plaster should never be directly applied to the skin.
  • Avoid using the paster on broken and sensitive skin.
  • Do not use this therapy to a young child under the age of 6, also be careful to use it to an elderly person.
  • A mustard plaster should not be left on for longer than 30 minutes, except the mixture is very mild (more flour added).
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