Premature ejaculation is one of the most embarrassing things for many men. “It’s so disappointing for me. My boyfriend only goes in for about 10 seconds then finished”. “My girlfriend calls me ‘one-minute man’, because I go too quickly when having sex with her”.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to. Some researchers defined premature ejaculation as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes or before his sex partner achieves orgasm.
How to treat premature ejaculation? While modern medical science still cannot explain what are the real factors that cause the problem, and what are the effective treatments for curing the problem, let’s see how traditional Chinese medicine treats this problem.
According to traditional Chinese medical theory, Premature ejaculation can be caused by three factors:
1. 阴虚火亢 Yin (fluid, blood) deficiency and Yang (warming life force) excess. The person has the symptoms: hot, overactive, over functioning, or excessive internal heat. It indicates that the Yin and Yang of the person are in unbalanced condition, there is no enough fluid or blood to cool down the over-heated organs. This could be a condition of the entire body, or just some organs’ problem – no enough fluid or blood flows to the specific parts of the body to cool down the over functioning organs. In this case, premature ejaculation is just like the water in an over-heated container – easily breaks out (blows up). To treat a person who has premature ejaculation in this condition, the best solution is to use cooling, blood generating and moisturizing (fluid generating) medicines to reduce the excessive internal heat. This is just like using water or coolant to cool down an over-heated machine. The medicines for enhancing Yin include: rehmannia, turtle shell, oyster, etc.
2. 肾气不足 Both Yin (fluid, blood) and Yang (warming life force) deficiency in sex organs. The person has the symptoms: weak, calm and inactive and usually has the problems of low libido (low sex drive) and erectile dysfunction (impotence). To treat a person who has premature ejaculation in this condition, the best solution is to use tonics to generate (enhance, stimulate) both Yin and Yang. The medicines for this include: velvet antler, cinnamon, monkshood, fenugreek, du zhong, etc. for enhancing Yang, and rehmannia, oyster, turtle shell, angelica, etc. for enhancing Yin.
3. 精关不固 Emission control weakness. The person may have no problems of over functioning or general weakness, but only his emission control is weak. In this case, premature ejaculation is just like a weaken dam or bank that cannot impound water. To treat a person who has premature ejaculation in this condition, the best solution is to use astringent medicines to “hold” the fluid, restrict secretion of fluid. This is similar like to heighten and strengthen the dam against water leaking or overflow. The medicines for this include: gorgon, dragon bone, rosa laevigata, cynomorium, etc.