Looking for spring remedies? How to take care of my health in spring? Some doctors told me that I should take some foods and remedies for cleansing the liver, but some articles say that people should take some other foods and remedies for lungs, joints, etc. What should I do? Should I take hot spicy foods and warming herbs as my spring remedies? Or should I take cooling and calming foods and herbs?

Well, there is too much conflicting health advice that is confusing the public. It appears that today the more you look into improving your health with the healthy foods and remedies, the more conflicting advice you seem to find out there. People are getting confusing and unsettling.

Please keep in mind that, there is no food or remedy that can be used to prevent and treat any and all health disorders. You should take the foods and remedies according to your health condition and the season.

Yes, spring is the season for liver cleansing, because people are easy to get liver diseases in spring, and patients with liver diseases are often worse in spring. So if you have liver disease, or your liver function is impaired, then your spring remedies are liver friendly diet and the herbs. You should avoid hot spicy foods and herbs. The cooling, calming and blood-generating foods and herbs are good for you, such as dandelion, chamomile, dang gui, grape, pear, apple, carrot, celery, seaweed, egg, etc. Eat pork instead of chicken, beef and lamb. Because pork is less warming, less drying than chicken, beef and lamb, and less to cause internal heat and wind.

Spring is also the season, in which, people are easy to get common colds, flus, coughs and respiratory diseases. If you have a weak lungs and respiratory system, if you suffer from common cold of flu with the symptoms of wet cough and coldness, you may take hot spicy foods or remedies to cure the problems, such as garlic, ginger, onion, mustard, chili pepper, chicken, beef, ginseng, huang qi, etc. These foods and herbs can be your spring remedies for treating colds and flus, but they may not be good for those who have liver diseases, due to the hot, upwarding and drying properties. If you suffer from dry cough, sore throat, red eyes and other “fire” symptoms, you may use the cooling and moisturizing foods and herbs as your spring remedies to relieve the symptoms. Those foods and remedies are also liver friendly.

Patients with joint pains, back pains and rheumatism are often worse in spring. If you have these problems, you should take warming, drying and blood-moving foods and herbs as your spring remedies, such as garlic, chili pepper, papaya, onion, potato, corn, beef, ginger, turmeric, mustard, frankincense, myrrh, du zhong, horny goat weed, etc. These foods and remedies may not be good to treat liver disease, but help cure rheumatism.

So, there is no universal medicine, food or remedy that will help or cure all ailments.

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