Kai Xin San and Ding Zhi Wan are two two Chinese herbal formulas used to treat forgetting, anxiety, depression, dizziness and epilepsy. Both two formulas contain Chang Pu (Acorus Calamus, 菖蒲), which is the primary ingredient for treating the brain and mental disorders.

The following are the two herbal formulas of classical Chinese medicine that have been used for hundreds of years.

1. Kai Xin San (开心散) – Treat Forgetting (Retention Loss):

Polygala (远志) 1.2g
Ginseng (人参) 1.2g
Poria (茯苓) 100g
Chang Pu (Calamus, 菖蒲) 50g

Ground the herbs into powder, mix well. Take 3g, three times a day.

2. Ding Zhi Wan (定志丸) – Treat Anxiety, Depression, Dizziness and Epilepsy:

Polygala (远志) 100g
Ginseng (人参) 150g
Poria (茯苓) 150g
Chang Pu (Calamus, 菖蒲) 100g

Ground the herbs into powder, mix well with honey to make small pills (about diameter 1/10 inch). Take 7 pills, three times a day.

The above two traditional Chinese herbal formulas are used to treat mental disorders.

The formula of Kai Xin San was prescribed by Sun Simiao in Beiji Qianjin Yaofang about 1400 years ago. It has been used to treat stress-related psychiatric diseases with the symptoms of depression and forgetfulness. Kai Xin San has the effects of tonifying deficiency, tranquilizing the mind, promoting intelligence, harmonizing heart and kidney. The formula is designed to target the disorders of anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, words and actions abnormalities, spermatorrhea and vision loss. These disorders are caused by Yang (Qi) deficiency, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

The formula of Ding Zhi Wan contains the same herbs as Kai Xin San, but the doses are different. This formula is designed to “settling the emotions”. This formula is best used for insomnia or anxiety with symptoms of fatigue or weakness. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this formula is applied to treat Heart Qi deficiency. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Heart stores the spirit, and when the Heart Qi is deficient or weak, the person usually has the symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, palpitations and poor memory.

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