Thyme is an Arabic and European remedy that can be used to expel intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms and hookworms.

Thyme originates from the Mediterranean region. Ancient Egyptians used thyme as an embalming agent, and ancient Greeks used it for its aromatic qualities for baths and incense. Thyme has been known for it’s anti-parasite effects, thus it has been used for treating intestinal parasites.

How to use thyme for intestinal parasites?

1. Use it as a spiceremedies-thyme

With a fragrance, thyme is a wonderful addition to bean, egg and vegetable dishes. You can use it, either in its fresh or dried form, as a spice, adding it to meat, vegetables and your daily diet. This will make your digestive tract a non-friendly environment for intestinal parasites, and keep them out of your body.

Please note, when using it for cooking, thyme should be added at the end of the cooking process because its delicate flavor will be lost in heat.

2. Use it as a tea

You can use thyme to make a decoction, and drink it as a tea:

– Dried thyme 30g (or fresh thyme 90g)
– Water 2 cups
– Bring to a boil, then immediately turn off the heat and leave for 10-20 minutes
– Strain
– Drink a cup, twice a day for 3-4 days

Please note, do not boil thyme for a long time, otherwise, its aromatic ingredients will be lost.

You should always consult your doctor before taking any remedies.

For more information about herbal remedies for parasites, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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