Dang Gui Tincture can be used to treat anemia, dizziness, insomnia, PMS, menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, bruises and rheumatism.

Dang Gui (Dong quai, Angelica sinensis, 当归) is a Chinese tonic herb. It is rich in minerals and iron and is an excellent remedy for blood disorders. Dang gui has blood-building and blood moving properties. It is often used to treat blood deficiency and blood stasis. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), blood deficiency can cause dizziness, insomnia, irregularity and anxiety. If this is the case, then dang gui can help relieve the symptoms. Blood stasis is often related to menstrual pain, bruises and rheumatism, etc. If this is the case, then dang gui also can help relieve the disorders.make-dang-gui-tincture

Recipe of dang gui tincture


– Dang gui (Cut into pieces) 100g
– Alcohol 35%-85% (白酒, Spirit, Vodka, Arak, Gin, or Rum) 1000ml


– Put dang gui and alcohol in a container, tighten the cap
– Leave it for 10 days
– Drink 20-50ml, twice a day

Please note, for treating menstrual pain or very light menstrual flow, you can take 1 teaspoon of the tincture twice a day. But you should stop taking it when seeing menstrual bleeding or pain relieved. Because dang gui promotes blood flow. You should not use it if you have heavy bleeding.

You can find raw dang gui roots in a Chinese herbal store.

You should consult your doctor before taking dang gui. For more information, go to menstruation.

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