Cornflower (Cyani flowers) can be used for eye care, cuts, scrapes and acne.

Cornflower (Cyani flowers, Centaurea cyanus) is a small annual plant with gray-green leaves and bright blue flowers. Cornflower is a member of the family Asteraceae, native to Europe.

Traditionally, cornflower is used by herbalists as a remedy for eye care. It is used as a eyewash to treat conjunctivitis, pink eye, eye swelling, puffiness, irritation and pain related to the eyes, and improve eyesight.cornflower

Cornflower is also used to treat cuts, scrapes, bruises, acne, and other skin problems.

Cornflower has anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic effects. According to a study on conflower published on The Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 1999, the extract of centaurea cyanus had anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use cornflower

Cornflower can be used internally and externally.

For eye care:

– Fresh Cornflower leaves and flowers 1 handful (or dried herb 1-2 teaspoons)
– Water 2 cups
– Boil and simmer for 5 minutes
– Let it cool
– Strain
– Pour the decoction into 2 cups
– Drink 1 cup
– Soak a clean cloth in another cup
– Apply it to the eye area as an eyewash
– Twice a day

For cuts, scrapes, acne and other skin infections:

– Use the above method to make a decoction
– Apply it to wash the affected area
– And/Or drink it as a tea to cool down the body
– Internal use can help treat acne and skin infections and irritation
– Or Use the fresh or dried leaves and flowers to make a poultice
– Apply it to the affected area

Cornflower has gentle soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. But if you suffer from a severe eye disease, you should seek medical care immediately. Before using cornflower, please consult your doctor.

Read more information about natural remedies for eye care.

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