Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan is one of the most famous Chinese herbal medicines for treating organ prolapse. Prolapse in medicine, such as Gastroptosis, Uterine prolapse, Rectal prolapse, Nephroptosis and Bladder prolapse, literally means: “an organ falls out of place”.
There is a famous Chinese classic herbal formula “Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan” 補中益氣丸 that can be used to treat any prolapse of organs. This formula has been used for centuries.
Here is the formula of the herbal medicine:
Astragalus root (huang qi 黃蓍)
White atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu 白朮)
Ginseng root (ren shen 人參)
Chinese angelica root (dang gui 當歸)
Bupleurum root (chai hu 柴胡)
Chinese date (da zao 大棗)
Mandarin orange peel (chen pi 陳皮)
Chinese liquorice root (gan cao 甘草)
Cohosh rhizome (sheng ma 升麻)
Fresh ginger (sheng jiang 生薑)
This formula has very strong lifting properties that have effects to lift an organ back in its place. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a prolapse of organs is due to Qi (life force) deficiency. When Qi is weak, the organs like stomach, uterus, and rectum fail to support themselves and thus droop; the body loses the physical strength and shows fatigue, tiredness, weakness, laziness of speech. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan contains four strong Qi-generating (raising, lifting) herbs: Astragalus (Huang Qi), Ginseng, Bupleurum and Cohosh rhizome. They tonify lung, spleen and stomach, promote Qi, and lift the fallen organ back. According to the guidelines of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan leads Qi upward, it raises and lifts the organs that fall downward out of place.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan is sold in forms of pills. To treat organ prolapse, it often needs to take the medicine for a few weeks to see the significant improvement and effects.
Please note, due to its lifting effects, you should not take this herbal medicine if you have high blood pressure. Consult with a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor if you have other diseases.