You can make a homemade cough syrup using lemon juice, glycerin and honey. Lemon has cooling and smoothing properties. Glycerin and honey have excellent moisturizing properties. The combination is an effective remedy to relieve a common dry cough.


– Lemon 1
– Glycerine 2 tablespoons
– Honey 2 tablespoonslemon-juice-glycerin-honey
– Water 1/2 cup


– Boil and simmer lemon for 10 minutes
– Cut the lemon in two parts and extract the juice
– Put lemon juice, glycerine, honey and water in a glass, stir and mix well
– Heat the mixture 1 minute to lukewarm in microwave
– Drink it slowly, 2-3 times a day

You can make a syrup for the use of 3 days by increasing the amount of each ingredient listed in the above recipe, and store the syrup in the refrigerator.

Glycerin (glycerol, glycerine) is a simple polyol compound, widely used in pharmaceutical formulations and food industry. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid. You can find it in a pharmacy.

For more information about natural cures for cough, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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