
Remedies » Watermelon

Ten Summer Remedies - Watermelon, Strawberry, Kiwifruit, Mung Bean, Cooling Tea, Winter Melon, Bitter Melon, Seaweed, Tofu and Mushroom

How watermelon, strawberry, kiwifruit, mung bean, green tea, winter melon, bitter melon, seaweed, tofu and mushroom. All these foods can be used as summer remedies to reduce internal heat. All these remedies have cooling properties and have effects to... [ Read More ]

Watermelon for Nephritis, Edema, High Blood Pressure, Jaundice and Diabetes - Home Remedies

Watermelon watermelon increases urine output, helps pass stool. This lowers bilirubin levels, and is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. Is watermelon good for diabetes? Though watermelon is high in sugar, but it is a good source of Vitamins. It can... [ Read More ]

Summer Remedies: Watermelon for Heat-Stroke, Thirst, Fever, Anxiety, Stress, Sore Throat, Mouth Ulcer and Hangover

Watermelon watermelon can clear heat, quench your thirst and help you to avoid heat-stroke. It is said that watermelon helps treat fevers, such as Dengue Fever, or the fever with symptoms of dry mouth, bitter taste and bad breath. Water melon has cooling and... [ Read More ]

Watermelon for Mouth Ulcer, Burning Lips and Sore Gums

Watermelon watermelon skin is cooling and diuretic, affects heart, stomach and bladder. It clears heat, calms nerves and relives thirst. It can be used to relieve heat, thirst, urine difficulty, edema and mouth ulcer. The skin (peel) can be used to make a... [ Read More ]

Six Home Remedies for Prostate Gland Problems - Corn & Watermelon ...

People watermelon can help with bladder problems and prostate problems. 6. Tomatoes. Scientific studies have shown that eating tomatoes can help men reduce their risk of prostate cancer by half. Tomatoes contains lycopene, an antioxidant compound that... [ Read More ]
