
Treat » Constipation

Culver's Root - Native American Remedies

Culver's Root is used by native Americans to treat constipation, hepatitis, liver pain, jaundice and gallbladder disorders. Culver's Root (Veronicastrum virginicum, Leptandra virginica) is a perennial herb native to north America. Culver's root is used as a laxative to stimulate bowel movements... [ Read More ]

Cascara Sagrada for Constipation - Native American Medicine

Cascara sagrada is used as a natural laxative medicine by native Americans to treat constipation, and other disorders. Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) is well known for the effects of relief of constipation. Cascara sagrada cleanses and nourishes colon, and helps digestion. It restores the bowel to a healthy normal condition.... [ Read More ]

Natural Purgative Remedies: Buckthorn for Constipation

Buckthorn constipation. Buckthorn bark is a moderate purgative herb. The effect occurs about 6-12 hours after taking the remedy. It can treat chronic and acute constipation. Buckthorn bark also increases the amount of bile. It helps to cleanse the liver, and... [ Read More ]

Blue Flag for Liver & Skin - Native American Remedies

Blue Flag (Iris versicolor) is a native American remedy that is used to treat liver & hepatic diseases, constipation, acne, eczema, sores and bruises. Blue flag root is traditionally used by native American tribes as a cathartic or purgative to treat constipation, and a liver stimulant to treat liver and hepatic diseases. Blue flag has been used to... [ Read More ]

Bitter Orange for Nausea, Indigestion & Heartburn

Bitter orange (citrus aurantium) is used for nausea, indigestion, heartburn, poor appetite, dysentery, constipation and weight loss. Bitter orange (Zhi ke) is used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to TCM, bitter orange is bitter and sour. It targets lung, stomach, liver and large intestine. It has effects to direct (guide) Qi and... [ Read More ]

Ayurvedic Medicine: Gandharva Haritaki for Chronic Constipation, Dyspepsia & Hemorrhoids - Herbal Formula

Gandharva constipation, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles, anal fissure and fistula. According to Ayurveda, vata is wind dosha, which is dry and cold. When vata is too strong in the body, it can cause dryness of the intestine, and the related symptoms:... [ Read More ]

How to Eat Eggplant - Food Therapy for Constipation, Bowel Bleeding, Hemorrhoids, Boils, Carbuncle and Skin Sores

Eggplant, constipation, bowel bleeding, hemorrhoids, boils, carbuncle and skin sores. Why eggplant has effects to reduce inflammation and stop bleeding? This is due to its cooling properties - reducing the internal heat and cooling the blood. Recipe -... [ Read More ]

Ayurvedic Remedies: Areca Catechu Leaves for Headache, Migraine & Digestive Disorders

Areca constipation: - Fresh betel leaves 60g - Boil and simmer them in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes - Drink the decoction twice a day 2. To relieve headache, migraine and fever: - Extract juice from fresh betel leaves - Rub the juice on the temples -... [ Read More ]

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