Boswellia, turmeric, ginger, dang gui and devil’s claw are five herbal remedies that can be used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a condition which is considered to be a chronic, inflammatory disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints.

There are many herbal remedies that can be used for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment. The following are five herbal remedies:

Boswellia. Boswellia has a unique anti-inflammatory action, and acts much like the conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Turmeric. In many significant studies, Indian spice turmeric can help prevent joint inflammation.

Ginger. Ginger can relieve rheumatoid arthritis, reduce pain and swelling.

Dang Gui (Dong Quai). This Chinese herb is a key component in traditional Chinese medicine, it has been used for relieving fleeting muscle and joint pains, particularly, if they are worse in damp conditions.

Devil’s claw. Devil’s claw root is known to be effective in reducing the inflammation of connective tissues, as it dispels uric acid.

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