Millions of women try to get rid of cellulite. They are looking for an effective cellulite treatment. There are many natural remedies that may help women to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Coffee Grinds Massage

It is said that using coffee grinds to massage the area can improve the skin appearance.

– Mix the coffee grinds with some massage oil (olive oil is okay)
– Apply to the affected area and gently massage it in a circular motion
– Do it daily

Drink Much Water

Drinking a lot of water may also help reduce the condition of cellulite.


Drink green tea or black tea instead of coke and soda. Tea has effects to reduce fat and is diuretic. Drinking tea daily can help lose weight, reduce fat accumulation under your skin.


Choose your diet. Reduce fatty and dairy foods, add more vegetables and fruits to your daily diet if you are also overweight. This can improve the appearance of cellulite.


Exercise, such as walking, swimming, dancing, can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

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