Plantain is a very common ‘weed’, and may be found anywhere by roadsides and in meadow-land. Plantain has elliptic leaves and small spikes of very small flowers. Plantain can be used medicinally to treat prostatitis with symptoms of dark yellow, red, cloudy or bloody urine.
Plantain is a cooling herb, which works on bladder. It is effective in reducing bladder infections and increasing urine output. When a patient has a problem of dark yellow, red, cloudy or bloody urine, if it is not caused by injury, then it is likely caused by infection. In this condition, using plantain alone, or in combination with dandelion (another common ‘weed’ that can be found anywhere by roadsides or in backyards), can improve and relieve the symptoms.
To prepare a plantain tea, add a handful of the herb into 4 cups of water, boil it for 15 minutes, afterwards strain and let cool. Take a cup, and 2 times a day.
Please note, “Plantain” is also used as a name for banana.