Fasting Therapy refers to abstinence from food for a period. Fasting therapy can be used for weight loss and for treating diseases, such as stomach and intestinal disorders and some kidney, liver and skin diseases.

Why fasting is beneficial to health

According to the medical theory of fasting therapy, a lot (if not all) of diseases are caused by the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body. Thus, a disease could be healed by doing just the opposite of what causes it, that is, by stopping the food intake for a period. By fasting for a time, the organs of the body are given opportunity to expel the accumulated waste from the system. This is the process of purification.

Today in the West, the majority of people eats too much food and does too little exercise. This is not only causes over weight, but also causes many diseases. This surplus overburdens the digestive organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Thus, fasting therapy is not only a way for weight loss, but also an effective and quick method of cure.

Safe methods of fasting

Depends on the ages and health conditions of the patients, the duration and the methods of the fast can be different. The following are two safe methods of fast:

1. Undertake a short fast of one to two days once a while, for example, once a week, or once a month.

2. Skip one or two meals per day for a period. For example, skip breakfast and lunch, only eat dinner for a week.

Please note: You should consult your doctor before doing fasting. And if you have the following conditions, you should not take fasting therapy:

– Pregnant and nursing mothers.
– All children should be kept away from fasts.
– People who suffer from anemia, weakness, or injury.

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