Myrobalan 10 (A-ru 10, Shiweihezi Wan, 十味诃子丸) is a Tibetan medicine for treating kidney Stones, Urolithiasis, Proteinuria, Hematuria, Pyelonephritis, Renal Failure and Urinary Tract Infections.

Myrobalan 10 is effective in treating kidney stones and urinary tract stones (urolithiasis). In Tibetan medicine, urinary tract refers to the entire urinary system, including urethra, bladder and kidneys. Urolithiasis refers to stones formed in the calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and other parts of the urinary system.

Myrobalan 10 can be used to treat proteinuria and hematuria. Proteinuria is a condition characterized by the presence of an excess of serum proteins in the urine. And hematuria is blood in the urine – a condition characterized by the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the urine.

Myrobalan 10 is also effective in treating pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) is an ascending urinary tract infection that has reached the pyelum (pelvis) of the kidney.

Myrobalan 10 also helps relieve uremia. Uremia (uraemia, or renal failure) is a toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally. In other words, in kidney failure, urea and other waste products, which are normally excreted into the urine, are retained in the blood.

Why Myrobalan 10 has effects to treat nephritis, frequent urination or urine retention, hematuria, and urinary tract stones? According to Tibetan medicine, it is because:

1. Myrobalan 10 is diuretic. It cleanses renal heat, reduces kidney and urinary tract infection. By increasing urine, and reducing the heat, kidney and urinary tract stones can be flushed away or be dissolved, and the symptoms of proteinuria and hematuria can also be improved.

2. Myrobalan 10 tonifies kidney and spleen. Tibetan medicine believes that kidney and urine tract diseases are related to spleen and lungs. Therefore, the kidney and urine tract diseases can be cured or relieved by improving the functions of spleen and lungs. Terminalia chebula (myrobalan) tonifies lungs and spleen, it cleanses heat in liver, gallbladder, lungs and kidneys, strengthens the spleen and stomach.

Myrobalan 10 contains ten herbs. Here is the composition of Myrobalan 10:

– Terminalia chebula;
– Rubia cordifolia;
– Carthamus tinc-torius;
– Mucuna prurita;
– Elettaria cardamomum;
– Sym-plocos crataegoides;
– Swertia chirata;
– Cupressus torulo-sa;
– Vermilion;
– Shilajit (mineral pitch).

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