Heat stroke is a deadly hazard of summer. Severe heat stroke often has the symptoms, such as coma, shock, syncope, dizziness and hypotension. It can cause death if emergency treatment is not provided. It is said that the mortality rate of severe heat stroke is as high as 30%.
For thousands of years before modern medical emergency service was introduced in China, a well known first aid acupressure therapy is to use the nail of the thumb to press against Renzhong (Ren zhong, 人中 – an emergency acupuncture point). This can save people’s lives.
Renzhong is located between mouth and nose. It is below the nose, on the upper third of the philtrum (distinct groove on the midline between the root of the nose and the margin of the upper lip). Renzhong is a major point for acute emergencies, such as shock, coma, asphyxia, cardiac arrest, and loss of consciousness. The method is to perform strong acupressure with the nail of the thumb or index finger against Renzhong and maintain the pressure until consciousness returns.
Today in developed countries, modern medical emergency service is available in minutes, and calling 911 is the first option in an emergency. But in many other circumstances, when emergency service is not available on time, or not available at all, this traditional first aid therapy may still help save lives. At least it won’t hurt.
For more information about therapies, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/therapy/