Rea Bean and Lotus Seed Soup is made of red adzuki beans (azuki beans) and dried lotus seeds. This desert is popular in Asia.

Here is how to make Rea Bean and Lotus Seed Soup:


– Red adzuki beans 1 cup
– Lotus seeds 1/4 cup
– Orange skin 1 piece
– Rock sugar (or White sugar) 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup


– Soak red beans and lotus seeds in water for 4 hours or overnight
– Put soaked red beans, lotus seeds, orange skin and 7 cups of water in a large pot
– Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 1-2 hours until beans are tender
– Remove orange skin, add sugar and stir. Simmer for 2 more minutes
– It can be served warm or chilled

This desert has mild effects to cleanse heat in lungs, soothe heart and stomach, calm nerves, and reduce swelling.

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