Rock Sugar Tremella Soup (Bing Tang Yin Er Tang, 冰糖银耳汤) is a traditional Chinese remedy and dessert. It is effective in moisturizing the lungs and skin, reducing excessive heat in the upper body, and relieving dryness.

According to traditional Chinese medicine and food guidelines, white tremella (Yin Er) is a moisturizing tonic for Yin deficiency (dryness, deficiency of fluids), especially for relieving dryness and “fire” in lungs. Dry skin, dry cough and itchy throat are usually caused by dry lungs or by dry season (autumn), thus a remedy moisturizing lungs can relieve the symptoms of dry skin, dry cough and itchy throat.Rock Sugar Tremella Soup

White rock sugar (cube sugar) also has moisturizing properties. It sweetens the soup and also reinforces the effect.

Here is how to make rock sugar tremella soup:


– Tremella 10g
– Rock sugar 30g
– Water 2 cups


– Soak tremella in water for 30 minutes
– Cut or use your hand to separate it into small pieces
– Rinse it well and drain
– Add 2 cups of water, soak tremella in it for at least 2 hours or overnight (do not change the water)
– Put tremella with the water into a pot
– Bring to a boil, simmer for 1-2 hours, or until the gum of tremella is well dissolved in the water and the soup is thick
– Add rock sugar, simmer for 1-2 minutes
– The soup is ready to serve

Tips: soaking tremella in water overnight, it will save your simmer time.

Rock Sugar Tremella Soup is a wonderful remedy and dessert for summer and autumn: in summer for reducing heat, and in autumn for moisturizing dryness.

For more information about autumn remedies, go to Natural Remedies Center:

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