Udumbara (Ficus Racemosa) is used as an Ayurvedic Remedy to treat wounds, boils, skin ulcers, edema, mosquito and insect bites in India.

Udumbara is astringent, anti-inflammatory, drying and cooling. It is said to have healing power in Ayurveda.

How to Use Udumbaraudumbara-ayurvedic remedy

1. Boil udumbara stem bark or leaves in water to make a decoction. And use the decoction to wash the affected area. To treat chronic infected wounds, you can wash wounds twice or thrice a day to reduce edema, pain and to promote the healing.

2. Use udumbara stem bark powder or leaves to make a paste, and apply it to the skin where is having boils, edema, mosquito or insect bites. Mosquito and insect bites often result in redness and swelling in the injured area. A paste of udumbara can reduce the redness and swelling.

3. Rub a udumbara stem bark on a stone with water to make a paste, then apply the paste to the affected skin every a few hours. This remedy has effects to reduce inflammation, edema and pain in wounds, skin infections insect bites and bone fracture.

Please note, udumbara can be used as a home remedy to treat a minor wound, skin infection or insect bites. If you suffer from a serious wound or infection, you should seek medical care.

For more information about natural remedies for wounds, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/wounds/

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