Cardinal flower is used by native Americans to treat stomach aches, colds, croup, nosebleeds, fevers, headaches, bronchial spasms and worms.

Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a perennial herbaceous plant with bright red flowers. It is a species of Lobelia native to the Americas.

Native American Indians use cardinal flower for treating a number of ailments. Some people believe that lobeline has stimulating effects on the respiratory center of the brain. It helps produce stronger and deeper breathing, relax the respiratory and neuro-muscular system. Thus it acts as a nervine and antispasmodic, and can be used to help treat many respiratory complaints, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, spasmodic croup, and pneumonia.cardinal-flower

How to use cardinal flower (lobelia cardinalis)

1. Smoke dried leaves and flowers to treat bronchial spasms:

The leaves and flowers of lobelia cardinalis have antispasmodic effects on bronchitis when smoked like tobacco. This therapy is said to relax the muscles and ease the spasms.

2. Drink leaf tea for croup, nosebleeds, colds, fevers and headaches:

– Dried leaves 1/2 teaspoon
– Water 1 cup
– Put the leaves in a cup, pour boiling water over it
– Let steep for 15 minutes
– Drink 3-4 times a day

3. Drink root tea for stomach aches, cramps, epilepsy, syphilis, typhoid and worms:

The roots are analgesic, anthelmintic, antispasmodic and stomachic. Native Americans use the roots to make tea to treat stomach aches, cramps, epilepsy, syphilis, typhoid and worms.

4. Use root poultice to treat pleurisy, rheumatism, injuries, boils and ulcers:

A poultice made of the mashed root is used to treat pleurisy, rheumatism, injuries, boils, ulcers and sores.

Please note, lobelia cardinalis may be toxic. An overdose of lobelia may cause severe side effects, such as dizziness, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, stupor, tremors, paralysis, convulsions, or coma. You should not use it without the guidance of a herbalist or a health provider.

Read more information about natural remedies for bronchial ailments.

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