Oyster shell is an astringent that is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat hyperhidrosis, night sweats, nocturnal emission, frequent urination, enuresis, uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge. These disorders of fluid loss is due to leakage (caused by weakness) or excessive evaporation (caused by excessive internal heat). Oyster shell has effects to cool down the body, consolidate the exterior and strengthen the fluid controls.

Oyster shell can be used alone to make a decoction, but is is often combined with other herbs to treat a specific ailment. The following are two classic Chinese formulas that contain oyster shell:

Mu Li San (牡蛎散)

Mu Li San is a formula for treating hyperhidrosis and night sweats.

– Oysters Shell (Muli, 牡蛎) 30g
– Astragalus (Huangqi, 牡蛎) 30g
– Ephedra root (Mahuanggen, 麻黄根) 30g
– Blighted Wheat (Un-ripe wheat grain, Fuxiaomai, 浮小麦) 15g

This classical herbal formula has effects to consolidate the exterior and astringe sweating. It is used to treat hyperhidrosis or night sweats with symptoms of light red tongue, palpitation, shortness of breath and weak pulse.

Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan (金锁固精丸)

Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan is a formula for treating nocturnal emission, frequent urination, enuresis and leukorrhea.

– Flattened milkvetch seed (Shayuanjili, 沙苑蒺藜) 12g
– Euryale seed (Qianshi, 芡实) 12g
– Lotus seed (Lianzi, 莲子) 12g
– Dragon’s bone (Longgu, 龙骨) 6g
– Oyster shell (Muli, 牡蛎) 6g

This classical herbal formula is used to treat nocturnal emission, frequent urination, enuresis, uterine bleeding or vaginal discharge with the symptoms of chronic spermatorrhea, impotence, fatigue, weakness, sore and weak limbs, lower back weakness, lower back pain and tinnitus.

Precautions for Long-term Use of Oyster Shell

Please note, oyster shell is rich in calcium. It has cooling and astringent properties. The cooling properties of oyster shell mainly come from calcium. Long-term use or overdose of calcium may cause indigestion or constipation. If you have disorders of indigestion or constipation, do not use oyster shell.

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