Looking for home remedies for acne treatment? Pear, lemon, seaweed, almond, vinegar and papaya can be used in skin care and help treat acne.

Acne (Acne vulgaris) is a common human skin disease, mainly affects the skin of face. The symptoms include scaly red skin, blackheads, whiteheads, pinheads, pimples, and scarring. Acne effects an estimated 80-90% of teenagers. For most people, it diminishes over time and tends to disappear by age late 20’s.

It is believed that a high glycemic load diet is associated with worsening acne. High consumption of milk might have a positive association with severity of acne. And there may be a relationship between acne and obesity.

Acne can be annoying, embarrassing and persistent. How to treat it? There are many treatments for acne, including benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, retinoids, antiseborrheic medications, anti-androgen medications, hormonal treatments, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, azelaic acid, nicotinamide, and keratolytic soaps. But you may also looking for home remedies for acne treatment. There are many remedies that you can find in your kitchen of your home, or you can find in a food market. Almond, seaweed, vinegar, papaya, ginger, pear and lemon can be used for making home remedies for acne.

Three Recipes of Home Remedies for Acne

Here are three home remedies for acne:

1. Seaweed and Almond for Acne

– Dried Seaweed 9g;
– Sweet Almond 9g;
– Soak the dried seaweed in water for 2 hours, wash and cut into small pieces;
– Boil the seaweed and almonds in 2-3 cups of water for 20 minutes;
– Drink the decoction, once a day for three weeks.

2. Vinegar Papaya and Ginger for Acne

– Vinegar 100ml;
– Green Papaya 60g;
– Fresh Ginger 9g;
– Cut the papaya and ginger into small pieces;
– Put the papaya and ginger into the vinegar, and leave it for 2 weeks;
– Drink a table spoon of the liquid, twice a day for 7 days.

3. Pear and Lemon

– Pear 1;
– Lemon 1;
– Use a juicer to extract juice from the pear and lemon;
– Drink the juice, once a day for one week.

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