Pumpkin seeds (squash seeds) are well known to have anti-parasitic effects. They can be used as a home remedy to help eliminate intestinal parasites (worms) – tapeworm and roundworm.

Here is a Chinese remedy using pumpkin seeds:

– Pumpkin seeds 60-120g, roasted, make into a fine powder
– Mixed 1 table spoon of honey or sugar in a cup of water
– Eat the powder with the water
– Twice a day for 2-3 days
– This remedy is effective to eliminate tapeworm and roundwormpumpkin-seeds-for-intestinal-parasites

Another Chinese folk remedy using pumpkin (not seeds):

– Eat fresh raw pumpkin (peeled, not boiled)
– Adult: 500g, child: 250g
– Wait for 2 hours and drink a laxative
– Once a day for two days

Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are regular food, they are safe to eat if you do not eat too much.

Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds have anti-parasitic effects, they are not “friendly” to intestinal parasites. So you may eat pumpkin seeds as a good snack, and you may also add pumpkin in your diet if you often have intestinal parasites.

You can go to a food market or grocery store where you may find pumpkin seeds known as pepitas.

For more information about home remedies for parasites, go to Natural Remedies Center: http://www.naturalremediescenter.com/treat/parasites/

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