Are you looking for a remedy to help treat your disease? Do you want to learn how to improve your health with diet nutrition or cure your disorder with natural therapies? Do you want to try an alternative treatment?
The natural mother has given us the simple things of nature for our healing. Back in the old days, people use folk remedies and herbal formulas to treat their diseases. Modern studies have confirmed that many of the herbs and formulas are effective for treating various diseases.
This section contains information of natural, herbal and home remedies for hundreds of diseases and disorders. It is arranged alphabetically by the first word of the disease, so you can more easily find what you are looking for. Click on the letter, and it will take you to a detailed disease index. When you find the link of the physical problem, click on it and you will go to a list of information on that disease.
Please consult your doctor before taking any remedies in this section.
- Abdominal pain
- Acne
- Allergy
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back pain
- Boils
- Bronchitis
- Bruises
- Cancer
- Common cold
- Constipation
- Cough
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Eczema
- Fever
- Flu
- Hair care
- Headache
- Heart disease
- Heartburn
- High blood pressure
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Joint pain
- Menstruation
- Migraine
- Nausea
- Sex drive
- Skin care
- Stroke
- Toothache
- Tumor
- Vomiting
- Weight loss
- Wounds
Treat » High » Page 1
Tincture Recipe: Onion Red Wine for Heart Disease
This folk remedy is said to help treat heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. The remedy is easy to make: just soak onions in red wine. You can make it at home. Both onion and red wine are good for hearts. They help reduce arterial lipids and soften blood vessels. Onion is a very good... [ Read More ]
Herbal Remedies: Hydrangea for Prostate & Kidney Problems
Hydrangea high, with clusters of white or colored flowers. Hydrangea is a popular ornamental plant, grown for its large flowerheads. Hydrangea for prostatitis, kidney and bladder stones Hydrangea contains cyanogenic glycoside, volatile oil, saponins,... [ Read More ]
Wine, Garlic & Orange for Heart Disease & High Cholesterol
There high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The health statistics suggest that heart disease, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis are the major common diseases in the west. In the United States, there were 616,000 people died... [ Read More ]
Grape Seed Extract for Heart Disease & Atherosclerosis
Grape seed extract is used to help treat heart disease, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, and other diseases. Grape seed extract is derivatives from grape seeds which are generally obtained from winery and juice manufacturers. Grape seeds are waste products of the winery and grape juice... [ Read More ]
Cream of Tartar - Home & Kitchen Remedies
Cream of Tartar is used as a home and kitchen remedy to help treat high blood pressure, urinary tract infection, sore throat and arthritis. Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate, Potassium hydrogen tartrate) is an acidic salt that is most commonly used for baking and cooking purposes. Cream of tartar is best known... [ Read More ]
Home Remedies: Chervil for Indigestion & High Blood Pressure
Chervil is said to relieve indigestion, high blood pressure, bladder disorders, kidney stones and cystitis. Chervil is a member of the parsley family. Chervil has fine flavors and fragrances. It is used as a spice for cooking. Chervil is one of the classic French cooking spices and used... [ Read More ]
Natural Antipyretic Remedies: Boneset for Fever, Flu and Cold - Native American Medicine
Boneset high fever that often accompanies influenza. It is not known which components in boneset reduce fever. In a small double-blind clinical trial, boneset was shown the effect, as aspirin, in reducing symptoms of the common cold. Though boneset has... [ Read More ]
Home Remedies: Baking Soda for Kidney Stone, Renal Inflammation, Urinary Tract and Bladder Infection
Baking high level acid in the urine, and baking soda makes the urine less acidic, which makes uric acid kidney stone formation less likely. Also, baking soda can help dissolve existing uric acid stones. Not only to treat stones, baking soda also can... [ Read More ]
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